10 Haziran 2011 Cuma


CVRecep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul, was born on 26 February 1954. Kasimpasa Piyale Primary School in 1965, the Istanbul Religious Vocational High School, graduated in 1973.High School also received a diploma exam courses, giving a Difference Job. Studying at the University of Marmara University, Faculty of Economics and Commercial Sciences Erdogan, in 1981, graduated from this school.
Interbedded with social life and politics from the years of youth who choose a life of Erdogan, the importance of multidisciplinary team work and team spirit that teaches him a very young age as an amateur interested in football between the years 1969-1982. At the same time, these many years, a young idealistic issues and social problems as a country interested in the policy steps taken by the active period coincides with Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
High school and university students in the arms of the National Union of Students to be actively involved in the Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Chairman of Youth Section, and in 1976 the MSP Beyoglu Istanbul Youth Handles the same year was elected Speaker of the MSP. Erdogan continued these duties until 1980, political parties, closed the period of September 12, held executive and senior consultant for a while in the private sector.
Founded in 1983, the Welfare Party, Recep Tayyip Erdogan returned with the actual politics, the Welfare Party in 1984 and President of the Beyoglu district, in 1985, the Provincial President of the Welfare Party in Istanbul and became a member of the Welfare Party MKYK. Istanbul Provincial Directorate of the other political parties during his service as a model for developing a new organizational structure Erdogan, especially in this period, worked to improve women's and youth's participation in politics, politics is wide spread in the base upon adoption by the masses of people made great strides towards vision. In this structure, the Welfare Party, a member of a great success in local elections gave the Beyoglu 1989, has set an example for the study of the party throughout the country.
27 March 1994 local elections, Istanbul Mayor Recep Tayyip Erdogan, elected, political skills, the importance given to teamwork, successful management of human resources and financial matters, one of the world's most important metropolis of Istanbul, chronic problems and solutions, has produced the correct diagnosis. Water problem, hundreds of kilometers of new pipelines döşenmesiyle; garbage problem resolved with the establishment of the era's most modern recycling facilities.Erdogan problem of air pollution during the transition to natural gas projects developed last, while more than 50 against the city's traffic and transport açmazına bridge, gateway, and the ring road was built, many projects were developed to shed light on subsequent periods. The correct use of municipal resources and extraordinary measures to prevent corruption of the Erdogan, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, took over $ 2 billion in debt, largely paid off their debts and $ 4 billion investment made in the meantime.Thus, a groundbreaking new Erdogan on Turkey's municipality, other municipalities on the one hand sample, while it also gained great confidence before the people.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during his speech addressed to the public in Siirt, 12 December 1997, recommended to teachers by the Ministry of Education and to read poetry in a book published by a government agency was sentenced to imprisonment and the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality was sacked.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 4 months after leaving prison remained insistent public demand and growing as a result of the democratic process with their friends on August 14, 2001 the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), established by the Board of Founders and the AK Party was elected to the Constituent .Countenance and confidence in the first year of the founding of the nation than the AK Party has the support of Turkey's largest political movement of people and made it a two-thirds parliamentary majority in 2002 general elections brought to power alone.
Due to the decision of the court on 3 November 2002 parliamentary elections, Erdogan can not be a candidate, a candidate for deputy of the legal regulation on the front of the lifting of legal barriers, 9 March 2003, the province of Siirt, the selection of deputies joined the renovation. 85 percent of the vote in this election, Erdogan, 22 Term entered parliament as a deputy of Siirt.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on 15 March 2003 Worked as a bright and constantly developing ideal of a Turkey, with a lot of vital importance to the reform package implemented within a short period of time. Democratization, and corruption prevention şeffaflaşma way katedildi great distances. In parallel, a negative effect on the psychology of the country's economy and society for decades can not be solved, and inflation was controlled, again winning the reputation of the Turkish Lira was six zero. State borrowing interest rates were down, was the great increase in per capita national income. Unprecedented speed and number of dams on the country, housing, schools, roads, hospitals and power plants put into service. All these positive developments, some foreign observers and by Western leaders, "Quiet Revolution" was called.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, European Union accession process is described as a turning point in the history of the country in addition to the successful initiatives, rational foreign policy, and contact with the traffic-intensive visit lasting settlement of the Cyprus problem and the various countries of the world has made great strides in the development of productive relationships. Working up the stability of the internal dynamics of plant environment, Turkey has become a center of the country. Turkey's trade volume and political power, not only within the geographical region, increased levels of felt in the international arena.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 22 July 2007 general elections, winning 46.6% of the vote a victory of the AK Party as President of the Republic of Turkey 60 He founded and was re-vote of confidence in government. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is married and has 4 children.
FamilyHe was born on February 26, 1954.
Emine Hanim married on July 4, 1978.
Ahmet Burak Necmeddin Bilal, Esra and has 4 children, including Mohamed.
EducationPiyale Pasa Primary School in 1965
Religious Vocational High School in 1973, Istanbul
Marmara University in 1981. Economics and Commercial Sciences. Fac.
Political CareerYouth Handles the MSP was elected in 1976 in Istanbul.
Beyond County was elected Speaker of the Welfare Party in 1984.
The Welfare Party was elected in 1985, Istanbul Province.
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality in 1994 was elected Speaker.
The AK Party, founded in 2001 and was elected General of the Presidency.
T.C. on March 15, 2003 Became Prime Minister.